introducing Kwyra
KWYRA’s goal is for everyone to find and live their true purpose.
We want you to live an inspiring life, that creates an extraordinary world.
Living your greatest life may seem scary at first so we’re building a community to support you.
Watch the four videos on the homepage to start your journey, and then sign-up to the KWYRA community for more content.
‘Brilliant thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius.’
Peter Thiel, Zero-to-One
I still watch 5-10 minutes of these videos every day. I found that I get deeper insights and experiences that I missed before. I’m definitely living in more freedom and joy than I had before..
I was challenged by these when I first saw them. They went against so much of what I’d been taught. But I can’t deny what I have directly experienced, and in freeing myself I have freed others around me. My life is better. Thank-you